Friday, December 28, 2018

Soy Power Capsule

This product is rich in soybean isoflavone which plays a bidirectional role in regulating the female hormone.  On one hand, it supply estrogen in need, on the other hand, when estrogen level increases and cause hyperplasia such as galactophore, hyperplasia, hysteromyoma, soybean isoflavone will form an obstacle to the estrogen’s target organ which prevents estrogen increment balancing the estrogen level. This product will maintain youth and retard aging.
Trough scientific clinical experiment, it is approved that soybean isoflavone can prevent and cure cardiovascular diseases, galactophore cancer, menopause hectic fecer, osteoporosis caused by menopause and makes women skin smooth, elastic and fair. Soybean isoflavone has a weak estrogen activity but not a hormone.

The function of isoflavone:
1.      Prevent the decline of ovary’s function, retard aging
2.      Reduce the loss of bones, prevent osteoporosis
3.      Prevent galactophore cancer and prolong the menses period for another 5 days. More important is that the first half period(follicular period) prolongs, but the last half period(luteal period) reduces.
The galactophore cell division is rapid during the luteal period but that may stimulate the potential tumor growth. Meanwhile, it can also restrain the intestine turgescence and liver cancer.

4.      Prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. The lecithin in soybean is an emulsification which can prevent the aggradation of cholesterol in the cell’s inner wall, eliminate the aggradated materials, blood viscosity, accelerate the blood circulation and has an important effect on preventing the cardiovascular diseases.
5.      Accelerate the brain activities, strong memory, nourish the brain and intelligence gain, prevent senile dementia, retard aging.
6.      Make the skin bright, elastic and fine

Ingredients:  Semen Glycine(125mg), Radix Paeoniae Alba Extractum(100mg), Ganoderma(50mg), Soy Isoflavones(25mg)

Characteristics and Benefits: The ingredient of this product is extracted from soybeans and is a natural alternative for artificial female hormones. This product supports optimal health, age retardation, keeps the skin soft, moist and radiant, prevents female osteoporosis and alleviates menopausal symptom. The product has no complications and appropriate for long term use.


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